Our First Candle-Making Class!

We taught our first candle-making class at Candlefish in Charleston, South Carolina this past October! Students learned about our candle making process, tips and tricks for how to make your candle last, and poured two of their very own beer candles! We took the students through a personalized scent exploration to make sure each person found their favorite scent. Students weighed out their oil and wax and hand-poured both of their candles. Stay tuned on our Instagram for our next candle-making class!

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  • Thank you for writing this informational content. After reading your article, I’m compelled to share your points on this topic. I really believe that the Students learned about candle making process, tips and tricks.
    For more details about candle making, please visit us at:https://epicworkshops.com.sg/

    • Stephen